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A Pact With The Devil

Well, maybe not really in the way you understand but for sure it is possible to establish some kind of relation or agreement with demons, the agreement usually is for short term like serving black magic or a spell through specific rituals, in some few cases it was possible to establish some kind of relation between humans and demons specially sexual relations or services offering relations but this kind of relations, sex or service offering are very dangerous and in any moment they could turn against you, it is not safe at all for humans to deal with demons or establish any kind of relation, it is important to understand how demons think and behave, how to react under different demonic situations. Demons can be like lions or dogs; you don’t know when they will turn against you. So yes, pacts or agreements with demons are real but it is not an easy process to perform the rituals, any mistake could be the last thing you do in your life, but it depends on how and where and why.

It very much dependent on what you consider a demon. But yes, people make pacts with them. They normally don't get what they asked for. If they know exactly what they're doing the entity is more likely to not screw them over for laughs and giggles. But it's important to understand demons don't actually want Souls. They can take them. But a demon’s real goal is all complicated. They want hosts they want to experience the world. Some are elementals of entropy so as such need to spread death, decay and hunger. Like a fire must spread fire. Some come in the form of demons but their goal is to improve our lives much like demons sometimes come as angels so angels might also appear in the form of demons. They crave attention and worship so will seek offerings of some form, wine and bread and honey. They don't actually consume it.

Like the old saying, it's the thought that counts. What Can they Give? Anything. They can take the form of a dead loved one and convince you that they will live again. They could rewind time and give you a second chance at something. They can give you talents and skills and abilities like you see in a prodigy. Does the deal always go wrong? No, but the deal, more often than not, has got a much higher cost than you realize, normally higher than you want to pay or would agree to pay. Some can be helpful and Far More Human Than Angels. Because they are closer to this realm and relate better to the humankind.

But the truly Dangerous Ones think and act like children. So, unless you really know what you're doing don't enter pacts with demons. If you're an idiot summoning them with no idea how to do it correctly, who has never even bothered to learn about their constitution they will actually destroy you just out of a sort of need to honor those that do bother to learn. No, I'm not going to lie and say all demon pacts are bad. If I could beg for the life of a child with cancer and all it would cost me is a slice of bread some honey a candle and a well-written poem. I could do that. And have.

Many people think that Satan is just a magical genie anyone can call up, but it does not work like that! In order for one to meet Satan, they have to climb through the ranks or, they have to be magically powerful enough in order to have an audience with him.

Souls exist in, and all happens, in the passing but ever present NOW.

Every now, every moment you do what you know you should not be doing because of what you would rather do - you are making a moment-to-moment deal with the Devil.

A deal is an exchange. Both get something out of the exchange. You exchange each moment of your earth-life for what you want at that moment or in some future moment. However, when you dance with the Devil, you are playing with the Prince of Magic. And never forget, magic ALWAYS comes with a price. And I can guarantee you that you will never really know the price until you are actually paying it.

Oh, and don’t worry. The Devil has established your price before you choose to pay it.

The Devil, Satan, Lucifer - different costumes, different gigs - in the end it is the same divine soul tester performing an extremely important job for Source. This is why I prefer the name Lucifer over the Devil. Lucifer is Latin for light-bringer or light bearer. Once you choose to dance with Lucifer, you have made a deal with the devil, and you will see the light of truth through Satan’s teeth. Hope it does not hurt much for you.

But, have fun until the collector cometh.

Ain Soph Aur - Patrick Gaffiero

1 Comment

Nov 27, 2024

In your opinion, is Lucifer ever moved to avenge any one? As in, the soul was pure, but polluted by the deceit of malevolent souls charged with the duty of caring for it?

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