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About Magick

I work almost entirely on what some people call "the dark side". What that looks like is I deal with death, and anything deemed "dark". I define "dark" as anything that is unaccepted, rejected, disowned, socially "undesirable", taboo, unspoken. Mind you, if you have rejected any aspect of yourself that you are afraid of or deem unacceptable, that thing is "dark", whether it is good or bad or indifferent.

It doesn't actually mean good or bad, "dark" is something you're afraid of and/or do not understand and therefore avoid.

Labelling things "light" and "dark" is actually an idea brought in from Christianity. Energy is energy, how it's used and whether it's doing what you need to do has absolutely nothing to do with good or bad.

Think Ethical vs unethical, every system of ethics is slightly different, so there is no universal true good or true evil. NOTHING IS STATIC OR PERMANENTLY GOOD OR BAD, everything is relative, and everything has cause and effect. In fact, lots of "bad" things happen to humanity that pushes them to grow & adapt, actually benefitting them far more than their previous comfort zone.

I handle the waves of pain, I navigate fear, help with discernment, all so that people can get past illusions and beliefs that don't serve them and give them tools to do the healing or discovery work.

I'm not out here slinging curses on every mthrfkr who pisses me off in traffic. But I support people who curse their abusers to regain a sense of justice and self-agency, because again, nothing is static, nothing is purely good or purely bad and it's being used for the right cause.

Classical "white magic" - Healing.

So let's use physical healing as the example. You heal a cut. What does this require? Cellular growth and repair essentially. So, what if I do this in your brain? Start cellular growth where it's not necessary therefor creating a tumor.

Classical "black magic" - Harm.

So, let's say we use a spell to stop someone's heart, killing them. Now say a person is having a heart attack. I use the same spell too. I stead slow the heart and restore regular rhythm.

Where is truly the difference? Our intent. I don't categorize magick into those kinds of classifications. Instead, I classify how they access the magic itself.

Ain Soph Aur - Patrick Gaffiero


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