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Black Is Black

Understand what it is before you try it. Black magic is, by most definitions, harmful magic. It's not "non fluffy nonwhite magic." It is magic that specifically harms other people ON PURPOSE.

That's one side of the coin, I guess. To me it's more like self-improvement. It's like we're an infinite number of shards of the first consciousness/the universe, 1/2 of these want to keep dividing, 1/2 want to reform. But we're all parts of the same entity, you can't really hurt anyone, because we're all the same. When I trim my fingernails or cut my hair, I'm not hurting myself, I'm just eliminating things about myself I don't like in order to transform myself into what I want to be. What you call black magick, is just an aspect of transformation that people find scary. It's not. It's like rebuilding a city, sometimes you have to tear down the old in order to rebuild something new, something better. Along the way you lose some beautiful things, there are growing pains, but ultimately a new stronger, more efficient one takes its place.

The proof the pudding is in the eating, is it not? So go eat some black pudding (pun intended). But make sure it IS black pudding and not a jam donut with black icing. And keep in mind that there is no such thing as a free lunch with Black Magic. You need to PAY to get the help of the demons who are able to grant your wishes. Sigils won't cut the mustard with the really powerful demons. Neither will wishy-washy rituals dreamed up by armchair 'chaos' magicians. No, if you wish to learn the secret Black Arts you're going to have to spill blood at some point. Lots of blood. Preferably someone else rather than yours. You will also need to get used to really enjoying hurting people badly, manipulating people, deceiving people, and exploiting friends and family alike until they bleed, both figuratively and literally. After all needs must when the devil drives!!

Oh, and it pays to be really obstinate, highly superstitious and utterly devoid of any human decency, morality or conscience. If you can do all this, you're good to go, and the chances are you have it in you to become a tolerably powerful black magician. Practice suffering. If you can 'out-suffer' others, you may have a talent for this path.

Black magic is simply the misuse of any knowledge or power for personal/selfish reasons. ......yeah right. The eye of the beholder decides what is misuse or not. Right and wrong, good and evil, all illusions of perception. You decide your path, not someone or something else. BM can be used for knowledge, power, reaching spiritual depths without affecting anyone else in a negative way.

It's powerful, but by no means an impossible path. Be fearless but respectful. Be patient. We need to walk through the fire, darkness, and fear to remember who we truly are. Raw consciousnesses. Fearless. We are the gods. We are source. Learn fundamentals like entering a trance, energy work, developing your senses, clearing energy blockages, open your mind's eye, raising and working with kundalini, protection.... things of that nature. Learn to swim in 3ft before you jump into 50ft.

There is no harm in learning about black magic if you wish to enlarge your knowledge in a general way, but my advice is not to try any spells, rites or invocations you may find in books or on the Internet under any circumstances, no matter how tempted you may be to do so. If you do you may place yourself in great danger by invoking these dark powers, or you may draw towards you evil men and women who may influence your life and Higher Self in a most undesirable manner. You may feel very strong and confident NOW and quite certain of your powers of resistance, but the traps and wiles of these people are so dangerous, and they are so full of malign cunning that it is possible to find yourself in their net before you realize it.

Altruism is the greatest and boldest expression of fear. Altruism isn't born out of compassion, at its core is a fear that no one would help the giver if he/she were in the same position. In order to alleviate that fear we give to those less fortunate so that we can believe that we live in a world where, if the roles were reversed, someone would do same for us.

Black Magic can be dangerous if used mindlessly. It causes permanent change to the individual and their place in Nature. In my experience Nature treats the black magician like a body fighting a virus, and the stronger the practitioner the stronger the fight.

And I haven't charged you a single cent for this advice, which you won't find in any books, at any price.

Em Hotep - Patrick Gaffiero


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