Fellow Luciferian, listen up, the material world is experienced as emanating from concepts of dualities such as cold, warm, light, dark, love, hate, strong, weak, feminine, masculine. As human beings that exist in this realm, we are split into male, female, and our own bodies are expressions of the same dual nature.
A Luciferian is someone who has reached a level of understanding of the occult (that which is hidden to the mundane world), which can also be understood as a level of Gnosis attained, of the level of initiation, that has to be on a certain level, so that the Luciferian ideal can be proclaimed.
As Child of the Earth, you grew up realizing you were different, that you are attracted to some qualities of experience, and repulsed by others. Our bodies need to breathe, drink, eat, have warmth, have sexual relationships and finally, the last wish is a transcendence to a higher level of existence.
The work is carried out to achieve this, through mundane work, love, art, and the quest to find truth in the form of science, mathematics, magick, or alchemy. These are the noble steps towards one’s own liberation and salvation.
You explored the theories of the Platonic world of ideas, mathematics, and philosophy of existence, you played with the earth, the elements, movable and immovable principles of nature as the child Emperor destined to one day reclaim the whole Kingdom. You explored love in all its forms, and sexuality in all its forms, and found beauty in the arts.
The traps or pitfalls come in the form of despair, hopelessness, greed, misuse of power, sadism, and parasitism. The liberation of the self is not to fall into despair, hopelessness, greed, and misuse of power by actively challenging the degenerate society’s existing dogma and rules which is a result of this decay – or descent from the Divine – or “fall” if you want.
The Luciferian acts according to action, reaction, and consequence. When someone deserves it, revenge is always sweet, swift, and just, or it may take the form of an avenging occult stream that brings misfortune and disaster to the one who fell into a Luciferian’s disfavor.
As a Luciferian, you may be fallen, but you are always an Angel, as you are always aware of your connection to the singularity, the single point which is neither male nor female, neither pain nor pleasure, neither dark nor light. It is not an impotent Zen place of void or nullification.
It is not a Middle Path of existing between two extremes, as not being able to decide black or white. It is the return to what can not be expressed in word. Even a simple gesture to try to define this singularity is useless. A Zen monk could use a logical paradox known as a koan or riddle to short-circuit your brain to not think for a second, to silence your blabbering mind to accept the truth, if only for a moment, yes, you are fallen. So just get up.
I could say something similar although I am not a Zen monk. This is not here. If you are still confused about this post, then it is OK.
ii-wy em Hotep - Patrick Gaffiero