So what is an Exorcism? Who can perform an exorcism? Is possession an alignment of this world or a condition by another? Well, firstly, exorcism can be defined as the forceful removal of a foreign body or spirit from an individual. Self- Exorcism is when the possessed individual is still conscious and is focused intensely on memories, emotions, or thoughts varying from those of the possessor. As a result, the possessor’s strength is weakened by the individual’s personal strength. People involved in Occult practice usually have extreme knowledge of emotional control, concentration, and meditation. Therefore, they are the best suited for self-exorcism.
Exorcism still remains a taboo subject in most Occult circles. So how does possession occur? Popular belief has it that those who are involved in the occult have a higher chance of becoming possessed. This belief is based on the fact they have opened themselves up and also because they may have intentionally called forth particular spirits. There is an element of truth here, but it does not give one the entire picture.
People who are just starting out with the occult may be more likely to become possessed because they may not follow procedures the way that they should. In contrast, occultists and witches who have been doing this for a while are not likely to become possessed at all. There are a few other people that are more likely to become possessed than others.
Those that use Ouija boards, for example, are vulnerable. Some people are also more vulnerable to possession because they are young, their minds are not as strong or they simply have psychic powers that they have not tapped into yet.
Dislodgement happens when the possessed individual is rescued by a beneficial spirit dislodging the previous possessor freeing the individual permanently. The beneficial spirit releases the victim thus freeing his/her possession from any spirit, beneficial or otherwise.
Contrary to popular belief, magick remains by far the most powerful form of exorcism. The use of a ritual or spell is employed to remove the possessor from the victim. If the victim has enough self-control, he/she can perform the exorcism through their own magick sufficiently.
As mentioned above, exorcisms can be performed in various ways depending on the type of possession. However, there are some rules that must be followed regardless of the case in question. The possessor must always be addressed with a binding, mandatory and authoritative tone thus weakening the hold on the victim. Those present during the exorcism should be thoroughly protected to prevent possession transference. The protection can be covered using spells, magic circles, talismans, and much more. Minors or mentally unstable individuals are advised not to attend the ritual.
There should always be a way to banish the spirit before the exorcism ritual begins. You can use a banishment incantation, a sage smudging or any other beneficial technique for the purpose. It is highly advisable for exorcisms to be performed by people with a strong spiritual belief or those with a strong magickal background because otherwise, it will not work.
It is of my opinion as you will have read in prior lessons, that the connotation “demon” remains highly misunderstood and used to justify many an unexplained condition. One should tread carefully between the sludge entities that reside among us and the Demonic Divine, that have no reason to possess anybody. I will never expel, banish, or forcibly remove that which I have authority over.
ii-wy em Hotep - Patrick Gaffiero