To evoke a demon is to bring it into existence in the real world, while invocation sees a demon brought inside of the person summoning it.
Working with demons is a high-risk game. Of course, not all demons are evil per se, but they do have a reputation for being deceptive. It takes one small loophole; a mistake, for one’s life to be turned upside down. When working with demons nothing can be left to chance, absolutely nothing!
Thus learning how to protect oneself when working with demonic entities is regarded as a crucial underlying principle. With most things magickal it is important to learn and utilize these principles.
The Triangle of the Art also known as the Triangle of Solomon is presented to us in the Lesser Key of Solomon. It is used by Ceremonial Magicians from many different paths to bind summoned spirits and keep them at bay from the magician.
It is simply recreated as instructed in the Lemegeton Clavicula and not really given much more thought. Consider, however, that the nature of Solomon’s magick requires an understanding of the forces being summoned, and that Ceremonial Magic is traditionalist, heavily reliant on older traditions to impose the correct force and authority. In that light, recreating ritual implements without an understanding of their components is a dangerous prospect.
The Triangle of Solomon, or Triangle of the Art, is reproduced in the Goetia using Latin characters, but it stands outside the Magic Circle which is written in its entirety in Hebrew. This leads one to believe either that the whole setup is made up of different systems, or else that the Triangle was meant to be in Hebrew. The latter explanation is supported by two of the four words around the Triangle: Michael, being a Latin transliteration of a Hebrew name, and Tetragrammaton, being a well know substitution for the unspeakable name of God.
The remaining names within the Triangle are relatively unknown within other sources but have to follow the same pattern if the system is to make any sense. So it stands to reason that the author of the lesser key system of magick used short abbreviations of the “real” names he intended to use when actually building his own triangle for Goetic summoning.
The Triangle of Art represents the protected space outside the magic circle, into which spirits are compelled to appear in Solomonic ritual. Typically the central circle is inscribed with the Sigil (seal) of the spirit to be summoned. The usual form is a triangle, circumscribed with various words of power, containing an inner, black circle.
The purpose of the triangle is to contain the manifested entity. In some cases, the triangle is created as a physical object; sometimes, the central circle is replaced with a black scrying mirror. For ritual purposes, the symbol can be depicted on a board, drawn with chalk or any other preferred method. There is no specific way to depict the symbol as long as it is a physical depiction.
So, summoning demons sounds cool, right? An aspiration for many occultists, even those that say that it’s not possible ... but let me put you straight on one thing, you will go into this practice with your soul intact, but you might come out wondering where your soul went...
And even if you can invoke a demon, even if you ward yourself successfully against possession, there’s a significant chance that the concept you chase will bring with it unanticipated consequences. That’s because animating concepts and ideals are Trojan horses that carry with them darker aspects of themselves and sometimes even their own antithesis. Two of the most common examples: Summoners’ efforts to imbue themselves with success can bring with it greed; a search for knowledge can impart arrogance.
“For the words of a vow, are sacred not only among men and the angels but among the demons as well.”
ii-wy em Hotep - Patrick Gaffiero