The Vatican and its religious connotation have little to no reason for existence outside of socializing, which is always an activity that centers itself around charismatic personalities, who are those people nearly always drawn to shepherding herds from misanthropic narcissistic sociopathic motivations, who are nearly always unconsciously acting entirely on behalf of their fully-functioning-in-the-world Shadow.
These “good shepherds of men” have the astral aspects of ravenous wolves. They draw to them the most beautiful of creatures, who are not yet well individuated. Young beings honestly seeking place, seeking identity within the world and within themselves. It is the role of these institutions, headed by ring-wraiths, to imprint consensual lies upon the individual, taking from them their individual experience, their individual strength, their freedom of thought, their very soul.
All that then is left the individual is the dogma of the institution to clothe oneself in. No matter the institution, the modus operandi is the same. Resistance is futile: Join with Us. The evolutionary outcome is that these institutions, these orders, these churches can only communicate and be understood by their own language. That’s how you know they are religions.
They are exclusive and look down their noses at those who are outside of their church. They have only one language - and that’s the language of the person who founded them. The founder is their god of whom they are only poor-quality emulations. These institutions fracture the psyche and the collective. They do not heal the world, do not unify opposites.
I paint a monstrous picture that many reading this will think is borne of the cynicism of childhood in fundamentalist Christianity. Yes, that experience gave me the ability to perceive the truth of ecclesiology. I don’t require a group of people that think like I do to feel whole. This is a bit of good luck because none exist.
I once read the tale told by Terence McKenna of the Alchemical City, and this is my vision of the future; of a magical presence within the world. Not a congregation, but a population. As information lays bare the truth that was hidden behind walls of dogma, we no longer need walls. Orders and institutions are anachronisms, obsolete, ruins of the past. We can be more comfortable with abstracted truths, not well defined, but for within the freedom of individual minds. It is a model of Nature’s model. It is not an order, but a societal ordering.
It is my goal in life to attain this cultural terra-forming in any way that I can. It’s already happening. Everywhere. Join in with Nature in her Work. We do not build structures of idealized fraternity. We are beings of Unity. Stop seeking the others. There are none.
As for the Vatican, it remains by far, a failed institution, pedophilia, and scandal at its very core, corrupt, arrogant, and defiant, just ripe for the taking… someone really needs to put it out of its misery.
Em Hotep - Patrick Gaffiero