If you are that passionate about something, the best way to develop it is to take whatever you do and bring it to the public. Writing is one of the best ways to perform in public.
Loose bonds of co-performing can form dynamically as the performers who interact on social sites create works in response to your work, perhaps incorporating pieces of it, weaving it with their own.
The constant evolving happens fast: You do something, you get an instant response. What could take years now takes days or even hours through the fantastic medium of the internet. Fast-paced, instant, global, and it has no borders, it can capture the interest across multiple cultures and different time zones, conquering much of the time and space continuum of this planet we live on. During public writing and subsequent feedback, you will tend to try different things.
As a Luciferian, and especially through mostly written work, I express my words, ideas, and thought-forms which in turn I hope to come together as simple art. This is my performance.
Someone spoke of social networking sites as being a potential ‘market’ for the exchange of ideas. I think the main point of expressing yourself as a Luciferian is not limited to peddling ideas, it’s about performing, capturing interest, evolving around people who in turn evolve themselves, sharing the experience, not just at an intellectual level, but thought forms, that can be shaped into such organic visions they almost take on a life of their own. Just like when a musical artist creates a piece of music, that later another musical artist uses for inspiration, then creates something entirely new and so forth.
Luciferian art and work should express our limitless potential as our own ultimate authority over ourselves, in respect and love for life and what true freedom is all about, and the responsibilities and risks that come with having all the power and glory in the universe.
Lucifer means ‘light bringer’. The Light we bring shines as an example for others as well as an inspiration for ourselves to constantly improve towards perfection.
Luciferians are singular universes that share some similarities through diversity. Our light combined that shines in the dark casts its own shadow upon those who simply are enlightened posers or those that have chosen to live differently. This combined light is a multiversity of possibilities of realities whilst keeping in resonance with our archetype of Lucifer the light bringer.
LVX - Patrick Gaffiero