The word Voodoo originated from the language of the African tribes and actually has a positive connotation. Over the years the religion of Voodoo has been depicted as dark or negative yet the essence of Voodoo is essentially an understanding that everything in the Universe is undeniably linked in a spiritual way.
A Voodoo black magick practitioner is referred to as a “bokor”. These people have heightened spiritual powers and are learned students of toxicology. They have the ability to use poison to harm others, if so inclined.
Some bokors did not honor the positive religious energy of Voodoo, instead, they choose to connect with, and channel demonic energies, which allowed them to practice their dark art. A price was paid by the bokor for his dark deeds, one to serve the demon in his world after his death.
The origins of Voodoo are supernatural and geographical, and the word Voodoo originates from vo (introspection) and du (into the unknown). So you can think of Voodoo as an introspective journey into the unknown. With this perspective, the world of Voodoo seems more intriguing and fascinating, than fear-inducing. There is a melding of the Voodoo gods and the souls of the adepts and servants of the gods.
The energy of the Sun and the Moon is invoked during all Voodoo ceremonies, with the belief that the natural energies of the Universe are the most potent of all. The Sun’s energy is the energy that supports the structure, peristyle of the oum’phor, the Voodoo temple. The wooden center post is an integral part of all Voodoo temples, it is the “solar support.” In all Voodoo rituals and ceremonies, the center post is a point of reference. The axis is a representation of the Voodoo god Legba, while the wood of the post denotes Mercury, and Mercury is also Legba.
The center post is decorated with the serpent gods Danbahlah and Aida We’do, and all the colors of the rainbow, the colors painted in a spiral band. The Voodoo goddess Erzulie, the symbol of the Moon, is kept near the center post. The lunar symbol, a model boat, is suspended from the ceiling, completing the planetary significance. The oum’phor is the temple of Voodoo, it has religious connotations and is said to resemble the design used by Moses to build the Ark.
The temple altar is called the pe’, it is a rectangular or square platform, the height of a man’s chest. Objects related to Voodoo are kept on top of the altar. Bells, ritual rattles, thunderstones imbued with supernatural powers, chaplets, ritual necklaces, magic arms, books on occultism, drums, copious jars and pots, and flags. Within the jars and pots is contained the spirits of those who worship inside the oum’phor. The govis jars are the jars the gods descend into when called upon for consultation.
The Peristyle is the roofed courtyard next to the oum’phor, it is partially enclosed and the place where mass ceremonies and Voodoo rituals are practiced. A Peristyle is also a place of healing where people can bring their sick relatives and friends to be healed by Voodoo magick. There is a low wall bordering the Peristyle and the floor is of beaten earth. Those not properly attired for the ceremonies, or just spectating, are permitted to stand behind the wall to view the proceedings. Members of the oum’phor sit on benches inside the Peristyle.
There is always a picture of the president of the country placed on the wall of the Peristyle, during large ceremonies flags are also hung from the crossbeams of the temple. There is a perpetual fire burning in the oum’phor yard. An iron bar which is said to have fallen from the sky is a cosmic symbol of sexual desire, this is planted in the center of the fire. There is deep significance attached to the bonfire which is called the “forge of the Ogous.”
There are two forms of Voodoo, from one form of Voodoo small events are created to then become a reality in the material world. Hence the Voodoo doll, the idea of which strikes fear into the hearts of many. In the other form, the gods are invoked so their energies may be aligned to magickal practices. Deities are summoned as a part of powerful and elaborate ceremonies, within these ceremonies participants are whipped into a frenzy, with rituals combining movement and chanting. These rituals are usually conducted at night, by firelight.
Supernatural beings in the Voodoo realm, are known as Loa, the two groups are Rada-Loa and Petro-Loa. The Rada-Loa serves creation, the enhancement of life, elevation of the collective unconscious. The Petro-Loa are demons, invoked for the sole purpose of negative and harmful magick. The initiator of this type of magick put their body and soul in jeopardy.
When invoking the Petro-Loa, a blood sacrifice is required, commonly used is a black chicken or a black goat. As the consent of the animal is required before the sacrifice, the animal is offered food, if the animal eats the food, it is considered to have given its consent to be sacrificed. If the animal refuses the food, it is replaced with another animal. The Petro-Loa are called upon as protectors and derived from black magick.
There is an honored hierarchy afforded to the entities called upon in these rituals, and although in some cultures these entities are considered negative, or even malevolent, within the Voodoo belief system they are revered.
The most dangerous of all curses in magickal practices is the Voodoo curse, those who practice Voodoo fear this magick above all others. Even Voodoo practitioners fear being “hoodooed.”
How to Make a Voodoo Doll
• Two very strong sticks
• Scrap fabric cut in 2-inch strips make then 2-3 feet long (any color)
• String
• 3 buttons (eyes, nose, mouth)
• Needle and thread your choice of color
• Coloured ribbons
• Feathers or knitting wool (to be used as the hair on your doll)
• Glue
• Seven pins with colored heads: Black, red, blue, green, yellow, white, black
Assembling Your Voodoo Doll
Make a cross shape with your two sticks, tie together with string, bind tightly.
Wrap Your Doll
Take the string and wrap it around the sticks, begin at the middle and go up around the head, down one arm, back across the other arm, back to the middle and down to the bottom. Wrap the doll in a continuous motion, going left to right, this will strengthen and reinforce your doll.
Add Fabric to Your Doll
Wrap your fabric around the entire doll and glue in place. You may need to stitch the fabric together, this is optional.
Voodoo Doll Face
Attach two buttons for eyes and one button for the mouth. Use feathers, or strands of knitting wool for your dolls hair, attach to the top of the head. Be as creative as you wish.
The magickal adept who uses Voodoo dolls can create ancients spells, can bring about good luck, misfortune, curse someone they dislike, or someone they feel has wronged them. They can make someone fall in love; make someone fall out of love, and in the most extreme cases, cause pain, illness, and death.
There is much more to Voodoo doll magick than sticking pins willy-nilly into a doll, there is a process involved. Colored pins are used and different emotions and feelings are attached to the specific color of the pin. There are seven pins used when performing Voodoo doll magick.
We will address all that in another lesson.
ii-wy em Hotep - Patrick Gaffiero