Surprisingly enough I am going to talk about death, not something many people like to talk about, more so given the current situation.
Do you know why that is? Because there exists a fear we feel, a fear of the unknown. I would say it is more a fear of the known, but not realized consciously. When we go through life, the traumas we experience stay inside of us as painful knots, tightened by the spirits of trauma. If we don’t untie these knots during our lives, we are going to have this done for us after our physical deaths, irrespective if we believe in the afterlife or not.
One thing you do need to believe is that, with death, the experience of time changes radically. To enter death is, in a way, to enter time itself, and there you’d better be ready. There are many accounts of light and bliss, but this is only a beginning. What comes afterward is also described, but it is just not as well-publicized.
Angry, malicious spirits come next; they come to suck your blood and torture you by all possible means, but they are your own spirits of Trauma. They will torture you until you untie those knots in your memory and become free. And here once again, it really doesn’t matter if you believe in the afterlife or not. I am talking about the subjective psychological process of restructuring your memory.
Would it make a big difference for you to know that it all happens in the minutes after death, even though you may personally experience it as ages of torture?
Many of you might think that this subject is far from your actual interests. Many of you are here for the magic, thinking that, in it, you may find powers and insights that will change your life once and forever. Who would think about death when there are so many other exciting secrets that life can share with us? Well, strangely enough, people who are close to real magic, think about death and what is beyond it, because they know that most of life’s secrets come from mastering the space that lies beyond death.
The only way to pass through their gates after death is to look them straight in the eye and say, ‘I know you. I know your name.’ Do this, then they have to let you through, fail, they tear you apart, suck your blood, tear your flesh. If you recognize their names, there you are saved from a second death, from annihilation, your existence will continue. So what is it that am I talking about?
Any guesses yet? Do you recognize what I am talking about? The spirits of trauma, of course, our psyches’ creations, our representations of hurt and suffering which we have, accumulated, and which we never gave a chance to heal. The only thing I can tell you now is that we all have the space inside of us where the healing work can be done and is being done all the time for each of us—even though we are completely unaware of it.
That critical time has arrived. Unhealed traumatic experiences which gain the status of their own and become spirits of trauma continue their existence throughout generations. If they are not healed, they build up, connect, accelerate, enforce and support each other, and become collective entities.
In traditional cultures, rituals of transition are very important. Before you move on to another of life’s stages, one must go through a deep initiation ritual, one that basically cuts off all traumatic knots from the past and clears a path for the future.
Modern civilization, as we call it, has lost all its psychological rituals. It doesn’t have the means to clear its members of traumatic memories. Therefore, at some point, these accumulate on the collective level and become very dangerous. This dangerous time has come.
It could be many times more dangerous now than ever before when world wars were induced by the accumulated spirits of trauma. My purpose here is to tell you that there lies a great danger, clear and very present, for all the people on the planet,
but there are effective means to overcome it.
Em Hotep - Patrick Gaffiero
I leave you a greeting in my language of death, aspired, unique, for your dark blessing, along the way: ASHARTH ATTHA-RA IMHIC, AEDHO ESTHESH BABATHAM, ENTHE ATTHAR LUX A-DHARA, ME-METH ISHIYA ETHE-REDH
https://sorceryandunicornfarts.wordpress.com/2022/01/18/death-and-our-practical-nature-of-the-inevitable/ Your blog on death inspired me to write my own, from my own experience, if you're interested. 🍀